Interstitial Space


My stories reflect the intersections of art, science, poetry, and fiction. Hence they are multidisciplinary–that is at the interstices.

This project stitches pairs of sequenced stories together with what might be called metaphysical meanderings, reflections on time and space, on now and then. The stories often turn on scientific metaphors that describe and inform a state of being or an emotional incandescence. I have, for example, stories named “Free Radicals,” “Quantum Entanglement,” “The Uncertainty Principle,” “Cosmic Strings,” and “Naked Singularity,” an astronomical term.

Combining elements of prose and poetry, my genre bending and blending project explores interwoven dimensions of art and science. The stories stretch categories of time/space, suggesting possibilities not evident through customary linear timeframes and attesting to the poetic proposition that Rita Dove sets forth:  Imagine you wake up/with a second chance . . . .”
“Dawn Revisited,” On the Bus With Rosa Parks, 1999)

In their proper context, the scientific terminology intends to describe objective phenomena. For this body of work, the terms probe the interior by exploring the nature of relationships and the condition of intimacy. The story titles invoke the twists and turns of the imagination, suggesting something about the most private mysteries of what it means to be human.